Ep 78: What Do You Assume?


SARAH: Sets up for a take, quiet on set. Roll camera.

KAYLA: Rolling.

SARAH: Roll sound.

KAYLA: Speeding.

SARAH: Slate.


SARAH: No, you say, “slate.”

KAYLA: [Laughs.]

SARAH: Pod 78-1, 78A, or just 78. Take one.

[Both clap.]

KAYLA: I got excited to clap.

SARAH: Hey, what’s up, hello. Welcome to Sounds Fake But Okay, a podcast where - I didn’t say action. Action. Hey, what’s up, hello. Welcome to Sounds Fake But Okay, a podcast where an aro/ace girl, that’s me - woah.

KAYLA: Sarah? And a demi-straight girl (that’s me, Kayla) -

SARAH: Talk about all things to do with love, relationships, sexuality, and pretty much anything else we just don’t understand.

KAYLA: On today’s episode, Assumptions.

BOTH: Sounds fake, but okay.


[Intro music plays.]

SARAH: Welcome back to the pod!

KAYLA: M’uhh - oh I just had one. I’ve been saving them all - 

SARAH: She - 

KAYLA: Nope. Nope. Nope!

SARAH: For those of you who - 

KAYLA: Nope! Nope! Nope!

SARAH: Can I just explain why - 

KAYLA: Nope nope nope nope nope hold on. I had one I had one I had one I had one -

SARAH: Kayla -

KAYLA: I had one. Hannah - 

SARAH: I don’t have time to edit this -

KAYLA: Shh shh shh. M’ontana.

SARAH: Okay. [Sigh.] Well. So, for those of you who don’t know, I’ve been directing a film this past few weeks - 

KAYLA: Oh ho ho.

SARAH: - and as soon as we went to pod, my instinct was to just say all of those things I did say at the beginning of this pod. 

KAYLA: And I was like, “We’re gonna say them.”

SARAH: Yeah. 

KAYLA: And we did, because here we are now, I guess, I don’t know.

SARAH: I don’t know. Uh, yeah, we wrapped last night at 1:30 in the morning.

[Kayla claps.]

SARAH: Mind you, last night was a Tuesday night,

KAYLA: Well, yeah.

SARAH: A school night. Cool.

KAYLA: And you did it.

SARAH: That’s an update on my life.

KAYLA: I was assistant directing a musical, that went up this weekend.


KAYLA: That was very good.

SARAH: Well, last weekend.

KAYLA: Last weekend. If you want to catch a live stream of it, I guess I can post that link somewhere. It was really good.

SARAH: And it involves bees.

KAYLA: It does involve bees.

SARAH: And gay.

KAYLA: We’re getting a lot of money to - giving money to bees in need, so that’s exciting. Anyway.

SARAH: I can’t get my pop open.

KAYLA: If you’re interested.

SARAH: But yeah, that’s our live’s update, ‘cause we weren’t around last week - 

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: - we’re going to Texas this weekend.

KAYLA: If anyone lives in Texas and - oh, this will be up too late.

SARAH: Yeah, it’ll be up too late. 

KAYLA: Well, if you -

SARAH: They would also have to buy a ticket.

KAYLA: Oh, to go see it?

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: Well, anyway, we’re going to Nationals for Quidditch in Texas, and it’s too late for you to go. Sorry.

SARAH: And it’s fucking finals, and then we’re graduating.

KAYLA: And then a month, and then I’m moving. But we’ll get to that.

SARAH: Anyway. I’m not sure why we gave this rundown.

KAYLA: Well, it’s been awhile. And they care, maybe. I don’t know.

SARAH: A lot has happened. Welcome back to our fun little world, I hope you had a good time last week without us, hopefully you listened to something fun. Or you took a nap instead. I don’t know.

KAYLA: Naps are good.

SARAH: We’re both dying a little bit.

KAYLA: I’m definitely dying.

SARAH: Are you, still?

KAYLA: I’m dying for other reasons.

SARAH: Okay.

KAYLA: I’m in a weird place in my life right now.

SARAH: I have an exam and a presentation on Monday, which is the day we get back from Texas.

KAYLA: Okay, you’re definitely dying more than I am. I’m in the aftershock of dying, I feel like.

SARAH: Oh, okay.

KAYLA: You know when you’re so busy, and then you’re not?

SARAH: Post-death.

KAYLA: And then you’re like, “What the fuck am I supposed to do with myself now?” But I’m doing pretty good. I got crystals recently.

SARAH: Yeah, Kayla was telling me about her crystals.

KAYLA: I was telling Sarah about my crystals. It’s exciting. If you’re interested.

SARAH: Alright. 

KAYLA: Crystals podcast?

SARAH: Crystals podcast. I will just talk about all my favorite scents and you talk about your crystals.

KAYLA: Scents are a big deal, I think I’ve learned.

SARAH: Yeah, she thinks she’s learned.

KAYLA: Anyway.

SARAH: So this week, tell me, what are we doing, Kayla?
KAYLA: So I saw this going around YouTube, and I was like, “I’m a content creator as well!” People were like, “What are your assumptions about me as a person?” And they titled the videos, like, “The Rumors!” Ya know. Dramatic things.

SARAH: Whatever they do on YouTube these days.

KAYLA: And so people assume anything about the person or their life and they read them and saw if they were true or not! And I was like, “That would be fun,” ‘cause I’m always interested in - especially ‘cause you guys never see us, and I’ve recently learned that no one can tell our voices apart.

SARAH: They can tell our voices apart, but they can’t match the voice to the person.

KAYLA: That’s just so wild to me ‘cause to me, our voices are so different.

SARAH: Yeah, but it makes a lot of sense to me.

KAYLA: Well, yeah, especially ‘cause you never see us.

SARAH: And as someone who has listened to podcasts before, where I didn’t know what people looked like before I listened, especially if they’re of the same gender, it can be very hard to - 


SARAH: - you can tell the voices apart, but you can’t remember who’s who.

KAYLA: Honestly, sometimes it’s been shocking. Like I listened to a lot of NPR when I was younger, and seeing what the people looked like that I’d listened to for so many years was honestly kind of shocking. I imagined them looking a certain way, and then they didn’t.

SARAH: But when I found out what the Pod Save America guys looked like, I was very surprised because they looked way more fratty than I thought they would.

KAYLA: Tea. Where did I even start? So anyway. I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys thought of us after listening to us for at least 77 hours.

SARAH: They haven’t all listened to all of them.

KAYLA: Well, at least - 

SARAH: And also, it’s probably not at least 77 hours.

KAYLA: It’s probably like 75 hours.


KAYLA: Maybe 70.

SARAH: The first episode was only 20 minutes

KAYLA: That’s true. 70 hours. Anyway. We have some assumptions. Mostly from Twitter, some from Discord and some from Instagram. You guys were - 

SARAH: I sent one to the Instagram.

KAYLA: I saw. I saw. I wanted them to be really spicy, but they weren’t ‘cause you guys are all too nice. But that’s okay. So our first one is from @theaceandme2 on Twitter, and it says, “Every episode is very close to an impromptu conversation.”

SARAH: You have assumed correctly.

KAYLA: I think sometimes we do some planning.

SARAH: I think I plan more than you do.

KAYLA: Definitely.

SARAH: I will sometimes write out things I want to say and kind of paraphrase them as I’m speaking.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: Sometimes I’ll just write out bullet points or notes of things I want to hit on, and sometimes we fucking whing it.

KAYLA: Honestly, doing bullet points and doing reseach is a recent development,  too.

SARAH: Yeah, very early on we didn’t do that.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: If you have listened to our early episodes, you will know we often Google things mid podcast.

KAYLA: Which we do still, a little bit.

SARAH: We do still, but way less.

KAYLA: Way less. But yeah, I think there’s only been a few episodes where I think we’ve both written down bullet points, but even then, we don’t run the bullet points past each other - 

SARAH: No, we don’t.

KAYLA: - because we want to have - 

SARAH: We want to have an actual conversation.

KAYLA: - a actual conversation. 

SARAH: And a lot of times we’ll be like, “I don’t know if I have enough information, or I don’t have enough things to say to get a whole pod out of it, but I know that you will have things to say in response to it, so I’m not worried.

KAYLA: A lot of times, you plan things and my plan is to go in and react to what you say because I know I’ll think of things.

SARAH: And when I plan and spearhead episodes, I go in with that expectation. I’ll say things, Kayla will react.

KAYLA: There’s been very few episodes that I’ve planned and spearheaded and I didn’t like it.

SARAH: Does that mean that I’m the host of the podcast and you’re the co-host of the podcast?

KAYLA: No. Absolutely not. The one episode I did spearhead, the micro-acegressions, is doing very well numbers-wise.

SARAH: Interesting. One hit wonder.

KAYLA: I really am in all aspects of my life.

SARAH: Oh no.

KAYLA: Oh no.

SARAH: Positivity.

KAYLA: Sorry, my heart chakra crystal’s not working well. Am I that bitch now?

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: Oh. Earlier today I was like, “This is hurting my aura.” I was mostly kidding, but a little bit wasn’t. Anyway. Our very good friend Sir Dirty Uncle Kevin on Twitter has said, “Assumption. You are awesome.”

SARAH: That’s an opinion, not an assumption.

KAYLA: Well, he’s assuming that we’re awesome.

SARAH: He’s assuming that his opinion of us would be that we’re awesome. Which, I can’t tell you if you’re wrong, because that is your opinion.

KAYLA: Fair.

SARAH: That you are assuming of yourself.

KAYLA: I guess, ‘cause you can’t be objectively awesome.

SARAH: Wait, what was the first assumption?

KAYLA: The first assumption was that every episode was close to an impromptu conversation. See: this interaction right now.


KAYLA: Sarah hasn’t even seen most of these yet.

SARAH: Yeah, I glanced at some of them on the Discord, but other than that, I have seen nothing.

KAYLA: These are just on my phone. So I guess maybe we’re awesome. I don’t know.

SARAH: That’s up to listener discretion.

KAYLA: But I guess thank you for assuming that.

SARAH: Thanks. Kevin.

KAYLA: This is from @TheWillowhack. I guess, there’s only one W for both…

SARAH: Let me see that?

KAYLA: The W that ends ‘willow’ begins ‘whack.’ Willowhack.’ Anyway.

SARAH: I recognize the picture, I don’t recognize the handle.

KAYLA: “Sarah eats all of Kayla’s food when she isn’t looking.”

SARAH: You have so many fucking tortilla chips that sometimes I steal them.

KAYLA: Okay, those bags are open. It’s better to have opened my bag of tortilla chips.

SARAH: That giant brown bag of tortilla chips that you cut the top off of? They were gonna go bad.

KAYLA: They were gonna go bad. I cut the top way too short. It was a really big Costco-sized tortilla chip bag, and so it’s very tall and long, so when I ate a lot of them I cut off the top, so I didn’t have to reach my arm all the way in -


KAYLA: - but then I cut it too short and it was a bad - 

SARAH: They were gonna go stale, so I was just eating them. I don’t usually eat your food, though.

KAYLA: I will steal milk from you sometimes.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: But we have another roommate that is way worse about stealing my food, but he’s better at it now. Evan. When me and Sarah lived in a dorm together and our friends would just hang out with us all the time, he would just eat my food. And if I have candy out, he’ll still eat all of my candy.

SARAH: Yeah. I mean, if I leave food out, I consider it fair game.

KAYLA: I also give you my food a lot. Sometimes I wont finish bags of popcorn and I’ll give it to Sarah ‘cause she’ll want it.

SARAH: Or like, Miranda had expired Cheerios, and I was like, “I’ll eat them,” so I’ve been eating her expired Cheerios.

KAYLA: Are there still some left?

SARAH: Not too many.

KAYLA: Ah, dang it, I need Cheerios. Anyway. So I mean, kind of. We eat each other’s food sometimes.

SARAH: There’s not a lot of food stealing, I would say.

KAYLA: No. Alright. This is several assumptions. So this is from Noel Witz in our Discord. The first one is, “Kayla and Sarah are secretly the same person, actually though I can’t remember who belongs to which voice, so this prediction may be for the wrong person.” And then, his note to self was that - he also spelled Sarah without an “H” the second time.

SARAH: He did. I saw that.

KAYLA: He wrote, “Sarah = ace with weird (crossed out) good food preferences, so Kayla = demi/straight girl.”

SARAH: That is correct. I would say we are not secretly the same person. I think freshman/sophomore year of college we might have been secretly the same person, but I don’t think we’re secretly the same person anymore.

KAYLA: Now that we don’t share a room, we’re not the same person anymore I feel like.

SARAH: Yeah.


SARAH: We’re just person-adjacent. Ya know?

KAYLA: Mmm. We’re like two sides of the same person coin.

SARAH: I don’t know about that.

KAYLA: Just two coins -

SARAH: Hanging out in a change purse.

KAYLA: - that are in the same change puse. Oof. When you and your friend aren’t the same coin anymore. Are you breaking up with me?

SARAH: I just want to be my own currency, okay?

KAYLA: Oh wow.

SARAH: I actually hate change.

KAYLA: I love change. It’s free money.

SARAH: America doesn’t need fucking pennies. Get rid of them.

KAYLA: Free money! It’s just free money.

SARAH: It’s heavy, it’s in my way.

KAYLA: I love change. Give it to me.

SARAH: I always have fucking pennies.

KAYLA: Give it to me.


KAYLA: I really like change. I have a little dish thing I have my change in, and sometimes I’m like, “I want pop, and I don’t really want to pay for it.” I take out quarters and it feels like I’m not really paying for it ‘cause who knows when I got those quarters?

SARAH: Well, I use quarters - I use quarters and dimes - 

KAYLA: I love change.

SARAH: - and sometimes nickels? But pennies… I get very excited when I pay in cash and I’m able to pay in exact change, but it takes so long.

KAYLA: I just, I love change.

SARAH: Like, when I was in Germany, Euros, they have a 2 cent coin and a 1 cent coin, and they’re both smaller than dimes.

KAYLA: 2 cent coin? That’s so specific.

SARAH: The coins they have in the world of Euros - they have a 2 Euro coin, a 1 Euro coin, a 50, a 20, a 10, a 2, and a 1.

KAYLA: Those are… hmm.

SARAH: Different from ours. But the 2s and the 1s are so small, and they’re useless.


SARAH: The only ones that were really useful were the 50s and the 20s and then the 1s and the 2s.


SARAH: Anyway. This has been change. The original assumption was that we’re the same person, that’s how we got here.

KAYLA: Fucking Euros. I guess we’re not if we have such different feelings about change. If you all hate change and you want to get rid of it, send it to me.

SARAH: Mail it.

KAYLA: Please.

SARAH: Oh my god.

KAYLA: Can we set that up? A PO box just for them sending us change?

SARAH: But where would we have the PO box?

KAYLA: See, this is what I just thought about. If we ever got popular enough to have a PO box, I don’t know where we would send it, because we’re gonna be living across the country from each other. Soon.

SARAH: Yeah. You’ll be in Connecticut, I’ll be in California, we’ll just have a PO Box in Michigan.

KAYLA: We could have a PO box near our parents, and they could collect stuff and bring it to us when they saw us.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: Anyway. If you want us to have a PO box, let us know I guess.

SARAH: Sure. What’s the next assumption?

KAYLA: So this is also from Noel Witz. So this is Deaf™, “Sarah would definitely be cool with a long distance relationship if she found herself in one.”

SARAH: Here’s the thing: I’ve just never thought about that because it’s never been something that has seemed like a thing that would happen in my life.

KAYLA: Yeah.


SARAH: I am decent at maintaining relationships at a long distance.

KAYLA: Not same.

SARAH: If we have a Snap streak.

KAYLA: Not same.

SARAH: It depends on the other person, too. Like, my friend from over the summer who I met at my internship, we still text each other fairly regularly about A. The crazy weather in Michigan, and B. School stuff.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: But that’s also him, too. He’ll just text me out of the blue.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: So, it depends on how responsive the other person is.


SARAH: Or, there are people that I have Snap streaks with and I’m glad that I do, ‘cause if I want to just talk to them it’s not weird for me to have an actual conversation with them, even if we don’t necessarily often have actual conversations, but we’re still interacting, which is nice. But you can’t really have a relationship through a Snap streak.

KAYLA: Yeah. It’s something about my family, like my mom, dad, sister and I are all really bad at keeping in touch with people, I don’t know what it is about us, or how I was raised, but we are all very bad about keeping in touch with people.


KAYLA: So that’s always hard. But if you had to choose, if you had to have a relationship - 

SARAH: Okay…

KAYLA: - would you rather it be long-distance, or the person was there?

SARAH: Like, as in like I live with the person?

KAYLA: Either you live with them or they’re in the same time.

SARAH: I would probably rather not live with them…

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: But, I would rather it be closer - just logistics.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: If you like a person, I feel like you’d want to see them more.

KAYLA: Fair. That’s the tea.

SARAH: That’s the tea.

KAYLA: Um, “Sarah would not like Twizzlers but would eat Red Vines.”

SARAH: This made me so mad.

KAYLA: He did say he only said this ‘cause he was currently eating Red Vines.

SARAH: Fuck Red Vines. Twizzlers are superior in every way. I’m so sad that Starkid used Red Vines in A Very Potter Musical because they go advertisement they didn’t deserve.

KAYLA: God damn.

SARAH: Twizzlers are great. Next.

KAYLA: They are - my favorite kind of candy is this type of Twizzler that’s sour lemonade.

SARAH: The weird kind. Is it the kind you peel off?

KAYLA: You can peel it, but there’s stuff inside of it that smells like PlayDough, but it tastes really good and sour. It’s my favorite candy. It’s really good. I forget what it’s called. “Kayla would help drag introverted friends -”

SARAH: I was just about to send a business email.

KAYLA: Right now?

SARAH: It wouldn’t be an email, it would be a text. But, not the time. I’m too much in director mode.

KAYLA: Tea. “Kayla would help drag introverted friends out to do fun stuff that they’d begrudgingly enjoy.

SARAH: Hmm. I think between the two of us you’re more likely to do it.


SARAH: I’m not sure that that would be a trait of yours.

KAYLA: Yeah. I think - I’m definitely a homebody, but I enjoy going out and doing fun things, just not every day.

SARAH: Mhm. Yeah.

KAYLA: So I enjoy having friends that drag me out, ‘cause it gives me an excuse to do things. ‘Cause if no one is dragging me out, a lot of times I won’t do anything, and then I’ll be sad, and I’ll be like, “Why am I not doing anything?” And it’s like, “Well, bitch.”

SARAH: Yeah. I always appreciate friends who invite you places and you say “no,” and they continue to invite you because - 

KAYLA: It is so sad when you say “no” and people stop inviting you. It’s so sad.

SARAH: Yeah. It’s like, “I do like you as a person, I do want to do this.”
KAYLA: It’s also - you want to feel wanted. So even if you know you’re always gonna say no, you feel left out.

SARAH: And it’s just - I don’t know. I just remember, I had a particularly bad week when I was studying abroad in Germany - 

KAYLA: I remember it.

SARAH: - and I was supposed to go to this party, and I had to walk really far to go there, and I was like, “I don’t know if I want to,” and someone made me go (I don’t remember who it was, it might’ve been Rihannah, who was one of my study abroad people), and she was like, “Sarah, you’re going.” And I’m very glad I went ‘cause it was a good night! I have pictures of it on my wall! It was a rough week, mental health wise, but that night made it much better that I left the house, went somewhere else, did things.


SARAH: And sometimes you just gotta have people to push you to do that. And it’s good. Sometimes I will do that to other people, but I also understand what it’s like to not want to go - 



SARAH: - or not be in the mindset to go, so I don’t ever want to push people too hard. And also, I’m not the kind of person that’s like, “I want to go out!” Often, ever.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: For me, going to do something fun, for me, is not exactly what you think of the standard college going out, getting schwasty. I’m like, “Let’s go see a fucking movie.”


SARAH: Which, a lot of people do that.


SARAH: But like, going out, quote unquote, I’m not really into that.

KAYLA: Yeah. Honestly, I think the older I get, the more I do want to get out of the house more, and it might just be I’m in a weird place in my life and our house is very dark. I get depressed in our house often. I think - I don’t know. It’s very dark in our house and I think especially in the winter it was seasonal depression. Whatever. So the older I get the more I’m like, “I don't’ want to be a homebody as much.” And especially as I’m preparing to move away literally by myself and living alone, I kind of need to get out if I want to have any friends.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: So I feel like I’d like to become more of that person, I’m just not there yet. Ya know?

SARAH: Hmm. You want to become a little bit more ambiverted? 

KAYLA: I do. I do.

SARAH: Interesting. 

KAYLA: Those were definitely things that were true. 

SARAH: Oh. This is the -

KAYLA: Yeah. We’re still going.

SARAH: Right.

KAYLA: These are ‘Probably’ things. “Sarah collects snitches - like toy versions.”

SARAH: I have one.

KAYLA I also have one.

SARAH: It was gifted to us by our friend.

KAYLA: Yes, we all have matching ones. Very cute ones.

SARAH: I feel like that’s the only one I have.

KAYLA: Mhm. I only have that one, too. “Kayla tries to daily journal.” I would love to daily journal. I keep a - it’s like a bullet journal, but it’s on my computer right now, because I found that if I have it on paper I won’t do it, ‘cause my hand will start to hurt from writing too much. 

SARAH: Oh my god.

KAYLA: And that is honestly what kept me from journaling ‘cause I have so much to say, and I couldn’t say it, and it would stress me out that I couldn’t say it all, ‘cause this is who I am. 

SARAH: I like the aesthetics of journaling on paper - 

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: - but sometimes there’s nothing like a good backspace, ya know?

KAYLA: See, that’s the thing about bullet journaling, too. I get very stressed because I want it to look as pretty as the ones online, and when it doesn’t, I feel bad about myself.

SARAH: Well, someone said to me recently that when they make to-do lists, they always have to do to-do lists on scrap paper, because they feel less pressure to have it be perfect and also just to do the things on it when it’s on scrap paper rather than in this nice notebook. And they’re more likely to do everything when it’s on scrap paper.

KAYLA: That’s fair. So basically, bullet journaling stressed me out and I never did it, and I’ve been trying to keep a journal on my computer and I’m doing an okay job of it.

SARAH: I go in waves.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: If I’m very stressed, I will either use my bullet journal a lot more or I will not use it at all. Right now, I’m in a ‘not using it at all’ phase.

KAYLA: I just went through that last week.

SARAH: But I would - I like using a bullet journal, I find it very helpful, I just also feel like it’s kind of time-consuming at times, and that makes me more stressed, which is why I sometimes just don’t do it.

KAYLA: Yeah. Last week I didn’t use it at all. I also have things like trackers for taking my meds and when I wash my hair and when I shower, because truly I can’t remember the last time that happened.

SARAH: That’s a big mood.

KAYLA: We promise we’re clean. Maybe. And so last week, I wasn’t doing it at all, and I was trying to look back, and I was like, “Fuck. When did I last shower?” ‘Cause I hadn’t tracked it last week. I’m doing my best. It’s fine. But anyway, I would love to journal daily, and maybe I’ll get more into it this summer.

SARAH: Whe I was in high school, I would occasionally journal journal in my bullet journal, and - you know what I do do? In my notes app on my phone, I have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of notes.

KAYLA: You have a lot of notes.

SARAH: My old iPod Touch from ye olde days, both of my previous iPod Touches that I had in high school and middle school have thousands of notes on them.

KAYLA: That’s a lot.

SARAH: But I use that for writing down grocery lists and shit, but I also write things in my brain and I keep them. I leave them there. I don’t leave the grocery lists.

KAYLA: Dangit.

SARAH: So if you go through the notes app on my phone, it’s kind of like going through a journal or a diary of sorts.


SARAH: And sometimes - like, when I was at the peak of writing a bajillion notes, I was in early high school. I would do several a day.

KAYLA: Jesus.

SARAH: And now, it’s like only when it feels necessary.


SARAH: I did one yesterday. But also, yesterday was our last shoot day. I had things on my mind.

KAYLA: Yeah. A lot of times I only do it when big stuff happens. If I have a really good session of therapy, I’ll write about it.


KAYLA: I want to remember stuff. That’s the thing, I want to be able to look back on this. And this is why I wish I had journaled through college and high school so I could look back on it and remember happy memories and stuff.


KAYLA: That’s why I tried to start doing it. And, too, ‘cause college is ending, I’m moving, and I’m started a lot of new stuff, ‘cause I wanted to be able to look back on this later.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: That’s a big reason.

SARAH: Ya know how I have very strong associations with songs and memory and stuff? I started a list of all the ones I could remember. 


SARAH: Which is interesting, seeing what they are.

KAYLA: Did I tell you about my huge moment of nostalgia the other day?


KAYLA: So, me and Sarah lived on this area of campus called “The Hill” the first two years of college, and I was back in that area because the show I was puttin on was in that area. I was walking around this big field that’s there, and it was really warm out this one day, and I was walking to go get some food across the field. There was a ton of people laying in the sun and playing sports.


KAYLA: And I walked past the old building that we lived in and it has this smell, I realized, and I was looking at everyone hanging out and it reminded me so much of freshman year. And I was like -

SARAH: We were babies.

KAYLA: I was having a moment. And there’s this album that came out when me and Sarah were freshman -

[Sarah sings.]

KAYLA: The Pentatonix original album, which they’re making another original album - 

SARAH: As soon as you said that, Can’t Sleep Love started playing in my head. When you mentioned that you were on the Hill. I was like [click.]

KAYLA: That album especially is freshman year of college, for me.

SARAH: Yeah, same.

KAYLA: I’m getting emotional about it.

SARAH: I know, I can see you crying.

KAYLA: Stop telling them!

SARAH: I wasn’t gonna say anything if you hadn’t brought it up.

KAYLA: Oh, I missed one. “Kayla -” this is under ‘definitely - “Kayla exists outside of time and space.”

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: I was talking to my therapist the other day about how time and space, we perceive them a different way, but quantum physics is, like, “I don’t know about all of that linear time shit.”

SARAH: You have the weirdest conversations with your therapist.

KAYLA: We got into it. And I enjoyed it.

SARAH: You have a very different experience -

KAYLA: I have two different therapists.

SARAH: You just have a very different experience with your therapist than I do with mine.

KAYLA: This is just my mindfulness therapist. I go to her specifically to be better at meditation and mindfulness and stuff, and I have my other therapist. I go to therapy twice a week. Anyway. My therapist is great. Don’t knock my converstations with my therapist.

SARAH: I did not, I just think they’re funny.

KAYLA: Okay. “One of you played soccer but quit in, like, middle school, then found Quidditch.”

SARAH: I played soccer for one week when I was 8. I was very bad.

KAYLA: I played soccer for - I played a lot of sports when I was younger. I played soccer when i was in elementary school. I also did golf camp for a summer. I did tennis camp for a summer. I swam for many years throughout intermediate school and middle school.

SARAH: Intermediate school. You weirdo.

KAYLA: Fifth and sixth. I danced for sixteen years, I did track in middle school for a year.

SARAH: So did I.

KAYLA: I truly went through all the sports and I said, “No. Theatre.”

SARAH: I did a large quantity of physical activity, but not a broad range of sports. So I did gymnastics until I was sixteen. I did fourteen years of gymnastics. I did nine years of dance. I played lacross for a single season my senior year of high school when I couldn’t do gymnastics anymore. Then I went to Quidditch. So I didn’t play a ball sport until my senior year of high school, which is to my detriment in Quidditch.

KAYLA: Well, whatcha gonna do? I also ran two tough mudders one summer, and I think I should put that on the list because that was very hard.

SARAH: Oh yeah, and I did track in middle school.

KAYLA: I did hurdles. Me. A 5’4” woman. Hurdles. Who let me do that?

SARAH: I did long jump. I was good at long jump. 

KAYLA: You’re so little! But I guess with gymnastics…

SARAH: With gymnastics. See, everyone was like, “Sarah, you’re gonna be good at high jump.” But I was not good at high jump, because in high jump, you run forwards and then you jump over it backwards, and my instinct was to go over it forwards.


SARAH: That was not good. But long jump I was good at, because I already had to jump, like, 9 feet to get to the springboard anyway, so I was just good at jumping.

KAYLA: There was this kid our senior year who was doing pole vault, and the pole snapped and went into his eye.

SARAH: Oh my god.

KAYLA: And it was wild. He was okay, I think his okay was totally fine, but then for senior night, this magician was there for our senior all night party, and made fun of his eye - 

SARAH: Oh my god.

KAYLA: - and was also just a really nasty person, and we were all getting really pissed, and I was like, “You cannot talk about his eye, his grandmother was my kindergarten teacher!


KAYLA: Anyway.

SARAH: What a turn of events.

KAYLA: I know. Hartland was small.

SARAH: I keep forgetting what the assumptions were. We started going off.

KAYLA: Well, yeah.

SARAH: You think this is scripted, y’all? 


KAYLA: I wish this was scripted. I wish either of us had the talent to script this amazing content.

SARAH: I have the talent. I use it all the time.

KAYLA: That was a lovely face you just made.

SARAH: Thank you. They can’t see me.

KAYLA: So these are some wildcard assumptions from Noel Witz. Yes, we’re still going. He was the only one that gae us a lot of content. So, wildcards. “You already know what your crimefighting duo would be called if you became superheroes, your costumes and preferred superhero names, and will totally break them out for some halloween someday.

SARAH: Listen. Here’s the thing. I stan superheroes.

KAYLA: She does.

SARAH: I don’t know exactly what my superhero name would be, but I have some ideas. Not of the name, but of, ya know - 

KAYLA: Your power?

SARAH: It’s not even that. Here’s the thing. There are the powers I would want to have, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what I would realistically be like.


SARAH: This morning I was thinking about the hunters of Artemis, and I was like, “If I lived in the Percy Jackson world, I would 1000% be a hunter of Artemis.

KAYLA: Yeah, I could see that. If you had a power that you think you’d get based on your personality or something -

SARAH: Like, a superpower? Or a skill?

KAYLA: I mean, either. Hawkeye doesn’t have a superpower, it’s a skill. So either, I guess.

SARAH: Right. I just really love swords.

KAYLA: But do you think - 

SARAH: I don’t know.

KAYLA: Be realistic.

SARAH: That’s what I’m saying, ‘cause I love swords, but I don’t know if that would realistically be my skill.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: What do you think my skill would be?

KAYLA: Your skill?

SARAH: Yeah. Also, when Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse came out, and people were making -

KAYLA: Such a good movie.

SARAH: - their spider personas - 

KAYLA: I want someone to make me a persona.

SARAH: Perry said he would draw me one if I came up with it, but I couldn’t come up with it.

KAYLA: Perold!

SARAH: I couldn’t come up with anything concrete.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: I had some ideas. I did come up with Spider Ant, though. Which is, like, Ant Man, but a spider.

KAYLA: I hate it.

SARAH: Copywrite that shit.

KAYLA: I hate it.

SARAH: Perry drew it, it was super cute.

KAYLA: I bet. Perry is wonderful.

SARAH: [Singing] spider ant, spider ant.

KAYLA: What do you think my superpower would be?

SARAH: Telekinesis.

KAYLA: I was just thinking that. I was like, “I’m so fucking sensitive that I feel like I could do things with my brain.”

SARAH: Telekinesis. You could move things with your brain. I think you could read people’s minds…

KAYLA: I was thinking, like -

SARAH: Maybe.

KAYLA: I think - 

SARAH: I don’t know… I think telekinesis.

KAYLA: I was thinking about empathic powers.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: Because I feel like I’m a very sensitive lady.

SARAH: I think empathic powers. I don’t think you could mind read, I think you could influence a mind. What’s mine?

KAYLA: Honestly, I don’t think swords are that far off. I picture you as something very physical, where mine was more mental. And maybe that’s because I see you play sports all the time.

SARAH: But I play sports all the time. That’s a part of me.

KAYLA: Like a black widow but not so many weapons, ‘cause she uses a lot of guns.

SARAH: She does use a lot of guns.

KAYLA: You would use a lot more brute force in your fists. 

SARAH: I would use a lot more hand-to-hand.

KAYLA: Yeah, you'd be more hand-to-hand combat. That’s what I think. And you’d wear a black leather jacket, but not as tight as hers, because how can you move in that, Scarlett Johanson?

SARAH: Of course I’d wear black. I would have a black cowell. 

KAYLA: Fair. I think I’d wear a cape.

SARAH: See, I like a cape, and I love the drama of a cape.

KAYLA: I think, no. It would be a cloak.

SARAH: But with a big hood.

KAYLA: Yeah. 

SARAH: It would be a cloak. I’m here for the cloak. Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing.

KAYLA: Edna said no.

SARAH: Edna said no, and also, if I’m doing hand-to-hand combat, I can’t wear a cloak.

KAYLA: I could wear a cloak.

SARAH: You could wear a cloak. I couldn’t.

KAYLA: And I’d look very mysterious.

SARAH: I would wear one just for fun.

KAYLA: The way I’m envisioning your superhero, a cloak doesn’t go with your vibe.

SARAH: Just give me a cowell. A hood.

KAYLA: Fair. Like Assassin's Creed. Have you ever seen the Assassin's Creed guy?

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: You’d need one of those jackets.

SARAH: Like… like…

KAYLA: What is happening.

SARAH: It can’t block my peripheral vision too much, ‘cause I need that. But give me a fucking hood. My hair would be in a french braid. I can’t french braid my own hair. I would learn.

KAYLA: Yeah. Fair.

SARAH: Or I would have a hair stylist do it in my movie adaptation.

KAYLA: Mhm. If you all have -

SARAH: What would my name be? That’s the thing I can’t lock down. 

KAYLA: Oh, I can’t even begin to -

SARAH: I have no idea.

KAYLA: I can’t even begin to do that.

SARAH: Guys, tell us what our superhero names would be based off what we just described to you.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: What would you wear?

KAYLA: I would wear a cloak!

SARAH: Right. What color? A black cloak?

KAYLA: I’m thinking a dark purple came to my mind.

SARAH: Mhm. We had a maroon cloak that I used for the film I did -



SARAH: - and I wore it when we were test lighting, and wow it was great.

KAYLA: I’d be in a cloak and, I don’t know, I’m picturing a dark purple cloak and green clothes under. 

SARAH: Okay.

KAYLA: I don’t know. I think my cloak would also blow in the wind very mysteriously, even when there wasn’t wind.


KAYLA: And I’d have my hair very long and curly and it would also blow in the wind and be very majestic.

SARAH: Listen. I’ve said this on the pod before, but I just get so mad when superheroes who have long hair just do stuff with their hair down. At least Thor has it half-up.

KAYLA: But, see, I wouldn’t need to have my hair up.

SARAH: So, for you, that’s fine. For me, that’s unrealistic.

KAYLA: If anyone has artistic abilities, draw us.

SARAH: They’d have to figure out which one of us said which.

KAYLA: I’m Kayla.

SARAH: I’m Sarah.

KAYLA: I have, well we kind of described. I have curly hair. I’m the curly-haired tan one.

SARAH: Kayla-ass bitch.

KAYLA: If you go onto our pictures, I am wearing a sweatshirt and Sarah is wearing the jean jacket.

SARAH: Please draw us. I’ll cry.

KAYLA: I would die for some to draw us as superheroes.

SARAH: And please contribute for names.


SARAH: Alright, continue. I think we’ve spent too long on this. I think the answer is that I don’t know if we’d dress up for it, but we have plans.

KAYLA: Truly, though, I’d never really thought about it til now.

SARAH: Oh, I have plans. Don’t worry.

KAYLA: Okay. So that was all of Noel Witz’s ones. Thank you for submitting so many iconic assumptions. This is from - 

SARAH: I like how the most accurate one was the one that was the wild card.

KAYLA: Honestly, yeah. Okay, so this one’s from our friend B Pepper. This assumption is, “Sarah doesn’t want a QPR.”

SARAH: Um, I think it’s hard for me to fathom what it would be like to be in a QPR. And so I don’t - when I envision my future life - first of all, I can’t see past 25. 


SARAH: But when I envision my future life, I don’t see myself in a QPR, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I think it’s just a thing that’s difficult for me to fathom because I don’t know anyone personally who’s in a QPR. I don’t know what that looks like. I don’t know enough ace people or people who would be interested in having a QPR to have that feel like an option.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: So it’s not that I don’t want one, it’s just that it’s hard for me to imagine, I guess.

KAYLA: Fair. Next. This one is from Ginger. On Twitter it’s GingerGo on Twitter. “I assume you haven’t read the multiple spinoff series that followed Percy Jackson.” That’s the first part of it.

SARAH: Oh, I’m offended by that.

KAYLA: Oh, tea. I haven’t. Have you finished them, though?

SARAH: I finished Heroes of Olympus.


SARAH: I finished The Magnus Chase books. I’m on the last Trials of Apollo book. And The King Chronicles I have, I started, and I didn’t love at first but I am going to give them another try. I fucking love the spinoffs.

KAYLA: She does. The second part of this is, “I assume Sarah has read and watched all of the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson content, although Kayla may have read Harry Potter and didn’t finish Percy Jackson.

SARAH: I don’t want to talk about the Percy Jackson movies, because they don’t exist.

KAYLA: Fair.

SARAH: The musical, however, is fucking bomb. I saw it when it was touring in Michigan. It’s still on tour in the United States, so it might be near you. Who knows.

KAYLA: The music is good. I have heard it.

SARAH: It’s a fucking bop. It’s very good. I’ve seen it all.

KAYLA: I have read all the Harry Potter books and seen all the movies. Percy Jackson, I’ve read the whole…

SARAH: I think I saw both Lightening Thief and Sea of Monsters movies, but I’ve blocked them out of my mind.

KAYLA: Truly, I didn’t even remember that there was a second one, because I didn’t see either, because I boycotted them. 

SARAH: Yeah. They pissed me off.

KAYLA: I did read the first - the original - Percy Jackson series, but it’s been so long that I don’t remember them as well as Sarah does.

SARAH: Also I own - oh, they’re at home, not here - there’s a big old coffee table book. Giant. Of the gods and the heroes, that’s written by Percy, from his perspective, and I have those, too.

KAYLA: Wow. What a lady. Okay, so that was that one. This person on instagram, Jordan Myrassi on Instagram, said, “You guys are very cool and nice to everyone.”

SARAH: I try to be cool and nice to everyone. Actually, here’s the thing.


SARAH: I am nice to everyone ‘cause I’m too much of a weinie to not be.

KAYLA: Um, yeah.

SARAH: It’s very hard for me to not be nice to people to their faces. 

KAYLA: I think, outwardly and to people’s faces you’re very nice. Some people, I think, have said that you give off an intimidating vibe.

SARAH: Yeah, but usually not for long.

KAYLA: Not for long, no. But I think explicitly, yeah, you’re nice to everyone.

SARAH: Yeah. Implicitly, I might be super fucking pissed at you. I’ve said it before, my goal in life is if I don’t like people, I don’t want them to know.

KAYLA: And I - 

SARAH: Kayla’s not like that.

KAYLA: I have a weird relationship with that because I am, on the one hand, very open with my feelings, and on the other hand, very self-conscious about how open I am with my feelings, so it’s a weird - I would not say I’m nice to everyone.

SARAH: I’d say you’re nice to most people.

KAYLA: To the people that matter to me, I’m nice. But there are some people that I don’t believe deserve my time to be nice to them, I guess.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: Or I just don’t have the energy.

SARAH: I’ll be salty, but never to someone’s face. I guess, if I know them very well I might be salty to their face, but that’s not like I don’t like them, it’s just, I’m being salty right now. But if there’s a person I dislike driving me crazy, they won’t know.

KAYLA: Yeah. I think people definitely know what I feel about them for the most part.

SARAH: Yeah, we’re very different on that front.

KAYLA: Weirdly, though, the closer I am with someone, the less I will tell them how I feel about them.

SARAH: I’ve been trying, recently, to - I’m the same way. But I’ve been trying recently to be, just like, nicer to the people that I’m close to.


SARAH: And it’s been good. I’m not very good at it. But it’s been good.

KAYLA: That’s good.

SARAH: Yes, ‘cause I can still give them shit and be nice to them at the same time. They’re not mutually exclusive.

KAYLA: Yeah. I just get very self-conscious about if people hate me or don’t like me, and I get more self-conscious if I like that person a lot or am close friends with them, so I’ll even less say things that are bothering me or are rude or anything. It’s a weird reverse for me.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: This is from Sarah. You. It’s from you.

SARAH: Me! At first I was like, cage deer? No. It’s me. Literally me.

KAYLA: Hello, caged deer. “I assume you are humans, but this could be wrong.”

SARAH: I’m just saying, I might be wrong.

KAYLA: Yeah, you might be. Just throwing that out there.

SARAH: Right. Next?

KAYLA: Next, from our lovely friend Arkness, “I assume that there are times where the fact that you have a podcast gets a bit overwhelming.

SARAH: Oh, yeah.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: This week.

KAYLA: Yeah, I mean, we took last week off. 

SARAH: Yeah, but this week is still bad for me.

KAYLA: Yeah. I think, for me, more often than not it’s a very good thing. I’m someone that always likes to be very busy, and so especially since I primarily handle the social media and the website, there’s always something I could be doing or working on, and so that’s really helpful.

SARAH: I get stressed about topics.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: If I feel like we’re in a dry spot for topics, I can get obsessive about it.

KAYLA: Which, honestly, it sucks but also that’s where a lot of our good ideas come from.

SARAH: When I get obsessive I write 45 ideas at once.

KAYLA: The creative process.

SARAH: And sometimes - I’m glad that we do it, obviously, why would we be doing it? I think I like recording it, and I obviously like editing it ‘cause I like being able to hear back what we said. But sometimes I’m just out of time. I just don’t have the time.

KAYLA: It’s a lot of work.

SARAH: I’m not getting a grade for this, and I’m getting a grade for X, Y, and Z.

KAYLA: Especially when we’re still in school. I know over the summer when me and Sarah were working, I could put a lot more time into the podcast and trying to reach out to people to sponsor us and stuff because when you work as a real adult - and I don’t think this is gonna be true for you unfortunately - you go to work, you come home, and you don’t have to do anything ‘cause there’s no homework.

SARAH: Not true for me.

KAYLA: So my current job that I have might not totally be my life, so I was able to put a lot more time into it, but when we’re in school it’s kinda hard.

SARAH: And it can get overwhelming when we’re in different timezones.

KAYLA: Yeah, that’s gonna be - 

SARAH: It’s difficult.

KAYLA: Tea. Also, I only recently started to realize how many people listen to this.

SARAH: It’s like, people listen to us.

KAYLA: When we first started it, I didn’t really think about how big of a deal it was for me to be putting myself out there - especially ‘cause I am so self-conscious about stuff - 


SARAH: And also ‘cause you - this is another thing we’ve mentioned before - you are more likely to just say stuff than I am. I’m a lot more conscientious about what I’m saying, and when, and to who. That’s something you’ve had to kind of realize and get used to. You’re talking to a lot of people.

KAYLA: I’m a very reactionary person and I will just say things, or have facial expressions or whatever ‘cause that’s just how I am.

SARAH: Y’all can’t see her face so -

KAYLA: Truly, I have so many facial expressions. That comes from my mom. Yeah, it’s been weird. I don’t know that I’ve necessarily changed a lot since I realized that, it’s just something that I’m more aware of, I guess.

SARAH: Yeah. I forgot what the question was.

KAYLA: It was about the podcast being overwhelming.

SARAH: Yes, but it’s good.

KAYLA: Yes. Okay, these are the last 2 I think. This is from AliceIsInSpace, our water mom. “Assumption: If given the chance, Sarah would go to space or another planet/the moon, but Kayla absolutely wouldn’t.”

SARAH: It depends how long. If it were a short thing, yeah. If I could get to another planet in, like, two days, and I could stay there for 2 weeks and come back, yeah. If I have to take 6 months of travelling, no.

KAYLA: Yeah, I would like to think that I would be the same way, but honestly it’s hard for me to think about because it’s so impossible to go to space for normal people who aren’t, like, bajillionaires right now that I can’t even fathom what I would do if I had the option.

SARAH: Space flex. Space is cool.

KAYLA: Maybe I would, though, ‘cause I want to go skydiving. If I’m willing to go skydiving -

SARAH: Skydiving and space are very different.

KAYLA: Yeah, but they’re both risky things.

SARAH: The interest groups overlap for sure.

KAYLA: I’m just saying, they’re both risky-ish things. That’s why I’m saying.

SARAH: Yeah. I think space is very cool. I like space a lot.

KAYLA: Yeah, the black hole came out today.
SARAH: I saw something about that, but…

KAYLA: The first picture of a black hole was shown and it was a woman who set up the stuff to be able to photograph it in grad school. And she’s a young woman who saw the first black hole. It’s very cool.

SARAH: I think space is very cool, but I think if I knew I was going to be gone for a very long time, I’d get very earthsick. If you will.

KAYLA: Yeah. This is the last one. “Sarah is to waffles as Kayla is to crepes.” For some reason, it makes sense to me.

SARAH: That makes sense. I like my European cinnamon sugar crepes, and American crepes are subpar. And I don’t like savory crepes, so I couldn’t be crepes, because there are too many types of crepes I don’t like.

KAYLA: That’s fair.

SARAH: I like a good - I used to be pancakes before waffles - 

KAYLA: No. Absolutely not.

SARAH: Honestly, waffles are good. I like waffles. I like waffles.

KAYLA: I like waffles over pancakes ‘cause there’s the little holes and you can put things in them. And the way I eat waffles is you fold it in half and it’s like a little sandwich.

SARAH: Wrong.

KAYLA: I like a crepe.

SARAH: Okay.

KAYLA: This is another one that just came in while we were recording. It’s from Eternal Lolly. “Y’all are bunch of nerds.”

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: Literally in a club called ‘Nerds.’

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: And we play Quidditch.

KAYLA: Yeah.

[Bottle sound.]

SARAH: That’s my pop.

KAYLA: Okay.

SARAH: And that’s the end of the pod.

KAYLA: That’s it! Bye!

SARAH: Thank you to you all for sending things in. This is not, we still have a poll and stuff. I realize that made it sound like it was the end. It’s not. It’s the end of this part. What’s our poll for the week?
KAYLA: Can you tell our voices apart?

SARAH: Well. Do you know whose voice goes with which person?

KAYLA: Fine.

SARAH: Also, open-ended poll, please give us superhero names.


SARAH: Would you want your superhero name to be connected to, like - I was thinking that I wouldn’t want my superhero name to be connected with my ace identity. I don’t want it to be just me.

KAYLA: Yeah, I don’t think so.

SARAH: My ace identity is part of my identity, but it’s not the first part.

KAYLA: It’s also not where my hypothetical superpower comes from either.

SARAH: Yeah. What’s your beef of the week? I realized yesterday, I was like, “I don’t have a beef of the week, I should come up with one.” And I never did.


KAYLA: I found one today. I was in class. I’m in an intro to forensic psych class, and we’ve been learning about - okay. You assess people who have committed the crime to see if they will be violent in the future so you can decide whether to keep them in jail, put them on parole, or whatever.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: So there’s instruments. They list, like, risk factors, things psychologists should consider when running these assessments.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: And one of these assessments is that the person has never been married. Now, I understand why that's on there. Because, I’m assuming, and these have come from very scientific studies, so I’m assuming they come from, okay, these are people that have been violent throughout their lives, these are things about them, then they test them or whatever. So these come from a place of science, and I’m assuming it comes, like, people that are antisocial and aren’t good at having social bonds, whatever.

SARAH: Yeah.

KAYLA: Then, bear in mind, I was like, because what if I don’t want to be married, and I’m aro, and then I commit a crime, and then you think I’m going to be violent in the future, you know?

SARAH: Yeah, because of romantic orientation.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: My beef of the week is that my car is making weird noises.

KAYLA: It sure is.

SARAH: My brakes are making weird noises. My dad was like, “Is the parking break on?” I don’t think it is. I don’t even know how to turn it on.

KAYLA: Yeah, I truly don’t know how to do that.

SARAH: I’ll go check, but I don’t think that’s the problem. ‘Cause it was squealing earlier. It was squeaking a couple days ago.

KAYLA: That’s not good.

SARAH: It sounded like this weird scraping sound and now it’s like a mix of a rumbling and a scraping.

KAYLA: Yeah.

SARAH: He said because it’s in the back of the car it’s probably not a big issue.

KAYLA: That’s good. To me, it sounded like something with your brakes, but it was also making weird sounds when you accelerated, so.

SARAH: He said it probably is the brake, but most of the breaking is done in the front, so it’s probably okay. I’m just gonna bring it home at Easter and we’re gonna swap cars.

KAYLA: Fair. That’s been cars. 

SARAH: That’s been cars with Sarah. Car’s fucked up. I mean, it has almost 120,000 miles on it.

KAYLA: And it is the most giant car you’ve ever seen.

SARAH: It’s a fucking boat. Okay. But you know what? I had a car. I can’t complain.

KAYLA: True.

SARAH: So, you can find our polls, tell us about your beef of the week at our Twitter, @SoundsFakePod. You can find all of our social media on our website, SoundsFakePod.com. 

KAYLA: Or below.

SARAH: Yeah, I just looked down. Could be right below you.

KAYLA: You never know.

SARAH: We also have Patreon, if you want to give us your money. Patreon.com/SoundsFakePod. Are you ready


SARAH: $2 Patrons: Keith McBlane, Roxanne, AliceIsInSpace, Anonymous, Quentin Polluck, Nathan Dennison, and Mariah Walzer. $5 Patrons are Jennifer Smart, Asritha Vinnakota, Austin Lin, Drew Finny, Perry Fiero, my aunt Jeanie, and D. Hi D.

KAYLA: Hi D. Welcome.

SARAH: The $5 ones have so many more syllables. I think it’s just Asritha. Asritha is the one. Our $10 Patrons are Kevin and Tessa, @DirtyUncleKevin and @Tessa_M_K, and Sarah Jones who can be found @EternalLolly everywhere. And Arkness who’d like to promote the Trevor Project. Our $15 Patrons are Nathaniel White (NathanielJWhiteDesigns.com) and Anonymous. Who I keep forgetting to ask what they would like to promote.

KAYLA: Probably this rain, ‘cause it’s supposed to fucking snow tonight.

SARAH: It is. And it was so nice our a couple days ago.

KAYLA: The other day it was so warm out. I was sitting outside and it was comfy and beautiful.

SARAH: It was beautiful. Alright. Well. Thanks for listening. Thanks for sending in your assumptions if you had them. Tune in next Sunday for more of us in your ears. 

KAYLA: And til then, take good care of your cows.

Sounds Fake But Okay