Patreon donations are monthly and allow you access to special perks like those below!
$2 or more per month: our undying love + a shoutout on the podcast when you first become a patron + access to a secret patron Discord channel
$5 or more per month: everything above + a shoutout on the podcast each week + get new episodes a day early
$10 or more per month: everything above + we'll promote anything of your choosing (your twitter, blog, website, company, etc.)
$15 or more per month: everything above + request ANY topic for us to do an episode on! Challenge us with anything - we'll relate it back to sexuality somehow.
$20 or more per month: everything above + a sticker of your choice from our merch shop!
Throw us a one time donation on Paypal!
Unlike a lot of media you consume, we’re free! But that doesn’t mean we don’t need and appreciate your support. Your donations help make the podcast better, keep us on Spotify, and keep this fancy official website!
Thank you so much :)