Welcome to Sounds Fake But Okay

SARAH: Hey, what's up? Hello. Welcome to Sounds Fake But Okay, a podcast where an aroace girl. I'm Sarah, that's me 

KAYLA: And a bi-demi sexual girl, that's me Kayla 

SARAH: Talk about all things to do with love, relationships, sexuality, and pretty much anything else we just don't understand. This is… 

BOTH: Sounds Fake But Okay 

[Intro Music]

SARAH: Hi everyone 

KAYLA: Hello, welcome... Welcome to the feed. 

SARAH: Welcome to the feed. We have been making this podcast for almost 300 episodes and we said it's time to have a trailer. 

KAYLA: About time 

SARAH: About time. So, if you're new to this little world, hi, I'm Sarah 

KAYLA: And I'm Kayla. Hopefully, you can tell our voices apart 

SARAH: A lot of people can't, so don't worry about it if you can't 

KAYLA: It’s okay. It's okay. You'll get there 

SARAH: But we just wanted to give you a little insight into what this podcast is, so maybe you could do a little wee lil’ listen and enjoy yourself. 

KAYLA: Yeah 

SARAH: So, Kayla, how did this podcast start? 

KAYLA: We started this podcast way back in 2017, when everyone was starting podcasts and we were just wee little college roommates 

SARAH: Babes 

KAYLA: Little babies and Sarah had recently realized that she was aromantic, asexual 

SARAH: Mm-hmm 

KAYLA: At the time I thought I was straight- 

SARAH: Ha, ha, silly, silly

KAYLA: but was beginning to question my Demisexuality and we thought it would be funny to just start a podcast about all of the questions Sarah asked me as her “straight correspondent.” Like…

SARAH: Like what is the appeal of dick pics? Do we… do we know? 

KAYLA: Or like how long is kissing supposed to last? 

SARAH: No, how long is sex supposed to last 

KAYLA: Right 

SARAH: Because kissing it's like, okay, well, I don't… but sex really gets me and we still don't know the answer to that question 

KAYLA: Yeah, a lot of our questions, they never really became answered 

SARAH:  Never came to fruition. 

KAYLA: No. So over time through the podcast, because of the podcast, I realized I was not in fact straight. I was actually demisexual and to boot biromantic 

SARAH: No straight at all in there 

KAYLA: Not straight at all. So, I stopped being our straight correspondent and we stopped really trying to answer most questions because we realized we can't really do that. 


KAYLA: And we just started talking about as we said, everything. Love, relationship, sexuality from an asexual and aromantic perspective 

SARAH: Now it's just a place to talk shit and talk about the world as aspecs. We're not out here trying to be super educational but… 

KAYLA: Sometimes we are 

SARAH: If you would like a wee little like ted talk intro if you're new to the aspec, Episode 87 is our what is asexuality episode, 171 is our what is aromanticism episode and those are more like ted talkie more formal than the usual 

KAYLA: And then 118 is me explaining demisexuality and kind of my process and coming to terms with my sexuality. So, if you're new, you don't know anything, maybe a friend recently came out, you're new to the community, or just want to learn more or anything like that, you can start with those and you'll kind of get a jump start 

SARAH: Hell yeah. You also don't have to start from the beginning of this podcast. A lot of people do and we are always like but why? 

KAYLA: Yeah, our mic quality was not good back then, you certainly can, people seem to enjoy it, but don't feel the need 

SARAH: Yeah. You'll get all of the in jokes better if you start from the beginning 

KAYLA: That's true, you'll understand things better

SARAH: But we're just here to have fun, be aspec, talk about things, have a good time and just wonder what the fuck is up with allos 

KAYLA: So true 

SARAH: Also, if you're interested in reading things with your eyes instead of with your ears, we wrote a book… Kayla just made a face of me. We wrote a book it's called Sounds Fake But Okay, what's the subtitle? 

KAYLA: It's really long An Asexual and Aromantic Perspective on Love, Relationships, Sex, and Pretty Much…

SARAH: Everything else? It’s everything else

KAYLA: Everything else? Everything else, a little different 

SARAH: A little different 

KAYLA: But yeah, you can read it, you can also listen to it if you really don't like reading with your eyes. We have an audiobook read by us so you can stay with our voices but yeah… 

SARAH: It's basically like to listen with your ears. We got you. 

KAYLA: Yeah. Don't worry, but it's very similar to this podcast, people say it reads like a podcast. It's just us talking about family, relationships… 

SARAH: Gender 

KAYLA: Gender, sex…

SARAH: Sex, all the things 

KAYLA: All of that through an aspec lens 

SARAH: So, check it out. Listen to our pod, read our book, listen to our book, read and listen to our book at the same time and have a banging day 

KAYLA: Have a great day everyone. We hope you choose to listen and that you enjoy 

SARAH: Make sure to tune in every Sunday for more of us in your ears 

KAYLA: And until then take good care of your cows, which you'll understand that once you start listening. 

SARAH: Yeah, just… but even if you don't understand just, please take care of them 

KAYLA: That’s okay. Please 

SARAH: Please they need your love too

KAYLA: Mm-hmm


Sounds Fake But Okay